
Human Frequency

Human Frequency- How it affects You

Frequency has the ability to heal or harm you; therefore, if you want to stay healthy, you need to understand how it affects your well-being. For example, certain electromagnetic energies generated by computers, cellphones and electronic devices contain energy codes or frequencies that don’t synchronize and harmonize well with your body. When you surround yourself with these types of electromagnetic energies, they disrupt the natural flow of your body’s energy, causing it to flow out of order. If the natural flow of your energy is disrupted for too long, it could cause health conditions to manifest. This is why when you look at a computer screen for too long, you get eyestrain and sometimes headaches.

Pao L. Chang, Guest
Waking Times


What’s your Frequency?

The human body is optimized by positive vibrations or healing frequencies. If you tune your frequency, then you will operate at a normal capacity, consistently. If you are out of tune, a myriad of things can and will go wrong. For example: The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you interact with others, your productivity, your income and even your body’s healing process.

Your body always tells a story, it’s up to you to take control of its content. By taking control of your body’s frequency you will be opening the door to optimum performance in all aspects of your life including; vision, strength, performance and behaviour.

Imagine being an athlete and being able to access and implement peak performance without the need for chemical enhancements? This is the purest way to get the winning edge over your competitors.
Imagine a child going to school and exhibiting the knowledge and patience of the most seasoned, most mature student on record.

Imagine being at work for 8 hours and accomplishing all tasks without feeling pressured? Imagine your whole team operating at peak performance.

Now, I’m not suggesting we have a miracle cure, but it will surely feel like a miracle when you feel cured.
Can you imagine working a 12 hour shift every day and still having enough energy to go home and perform all personal and family duties without feeling fatigue.

You see, all that you’ve ever dreamed becomes more attainable when mind, body and spirit are operating at the frequency naturally designed to promote and ensure your maximum potential.
Bod- e –Tune Naturopathic Health Aid has proven to be the answer to body tuning or optimizing of the human frequency.

The general healthy human frequency is within the range of 62-78 MHz. When your frequency drops lower, we become susceptible to diseases such as the common cold, the flu and even cancer.

It has been proven that any movement of any object in any frequency can be changed by external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is not an exception.

Counter frequencies (electronic devices) are being used to make our lives easier but at the cost of disrupting our human frequency. Such devices include; cell phones, computers, tablets, wifi, smart tvs and even powerlines. The very foods that we eat can and will alter your state of mind and your inner balance.

We can change our perception by changing our frequency. This can be achieved by first questioning the concepts we live by and then make a conscious decision to effectuate change through an external source, proven to restore and protect the general human frequency. Bod-e-Tune Naturopathic Health Aid is your answer.

The state of balance is achieved when the body, the cells and the mind are at the natural or general frequency.
How do we know we are at the right frequency?
We feel good!

What’s your frequency?.

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